Greek Language 4-5

Greek Language 4-5

DURATION:10-12 weeks
HOURS PER WEEK: 4-5 hours
MAX CLASS SIZE: 6 students
AGES RANGE: 4-5 years old


Who is this course for?

This class is aimed at preschool children from 4 to 5 years old who are interested in learning the Greek Language as well as participating in other course related activities.

What you will learn in this course – Academic Goals

Students explore the Greek Alphabet through hands-on literacy and phonological activities, music, songs and videos. Students begin to work on hands-on pre-writing and literacy activities, literature stories and songs and learn thematic vocabulary such as, the body, colors, numbers, classroom objects and more. They are also able to recognize their names and greet their peers.

How much time will I spend per week?

The courses have been broken down so that Greek Language will be offered twice a week for a period of 45 minutes for this age group. The Greek Language class will be supplemented by other activities such as but not limited to dance, arts and crafts, puppet shows and a reading program. The student will spend an average of 4-5 hours per week.
When does the course start and when is expected to be completed
The Fall Semester starts in September and ends shortly before Christmas. The Winter/Spring Semester starts in January and ends in May. For exact dates please see the Calendar.

What are the prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course except good mood.

Will there be an exam or some certification?

No. There are no exams in this course. Greek School Online will provide at the end of the course a certificate of successful attendance.