Mission Statement

Our Vision

The Vision Of our Greek School Online Is To Provide A Quality Education and to Engage Our Students Minds, In  Understanding our Greek Heritage, Through The Teachings Of The Greek Language And Culture.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide all our students with the opportunity to work in developing their Greek reading and conversational skills and making new friends in a safe, nurturing and family-oriented environment. We strive to increase their Greek vocabulary, improve their spelling and use of grammar by stimulating their intellectual curiosity and challenging them to achieve their highest level of performance.


"Our daughter, Katerina, is attending the Greek School Online for the last few years and she has progressed significantly in her ability and confidence in using the language. Thanks to the dedication, skill, and commitment to excellence of the teachers and school staff. They create the environment for their students to learn the language correctly and embrace the Greek culture." George Papasouliotis, Ph.D., Director R&D, Thermo Fisher Scientific
" In preparation for a move to Greece, I had the pleasure of taking a few Greek language lessons. I was starting from scratch and I had hoped to learn as much as possible over a short period of time. In only a few lessons, I was able to get a solid grasp on the Greek alphabet (and sounds), acquired a real head start into grammar and accumulated a pretty decent vocabulary as well. Upon arrival in Greece, I believe that many were surprised with regards to how much Greek I was speaking after only taking a few lessons...and I owe all of this to the patience and phenomenal teaching skills of my great!"

Lawrence Norman Vice President, Global Basketball adidas
I live very far away from Greece these days but I did grow up in Athens for the first 23 years of my life. Even though I have a family know in Portland and I don’t see myself going back to Greece, it would mean a lot for me for my kids to be able to learn Greek. The notion that one day I would be able to converse with them in Greek is a dream I don’t want to give up on, so when, after searching online, I found that there’s a Greek School Online. My 4-year old, Claire seems to love it and is slowly but surely starting to pick up on Greek and remembers words etc.

Dimitris Kammer, Ph.D. Senior Process Engineer Intel Corp.